Abhishek Makam

Abhishek Makam is an Articling Student at Olschewski Davie since July of 2023. He was born in Southern India and immigrated to Canada at the age of 10 with his parents settling in the Greater Toronto Area. In 2013, he graduated from Heritage High School in Michigan, USA with a suma cum laude and received an IB Diploma with a focus in History, English and Biology. He attended McGill University in Montréal soon after and graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Nutritional Sciences with a minor in Animal Biology. After taking a hiatus from education, travelling the world, he was inspired to shift his focus to Law. In 2020, he attended law school at the University of Manitoba and graduated with a Juris Doctor in 2023. While at law school: he was one of the top negotiators – placing in the top third of his graduating class; and for his academic achievement in the Private International Law course he received the Frederick J. Turner, Q.C./Keith Turner, Q.C. Prize for Conflicts of Laws. Abhishek brings a global perspective with him wherever he goes. In addition to English, he is fluent in Telugu.
