
Our firm strives to provide exceptional and efficient service in the delivery of legal assistance for all of your corporate needs.  We have multiple lawyers within the firm capable of providing advice on incorporations, continuances and amalgamations, as well other business structures such as joint ventures and partnerships.  In the organization of your business structure, we advise on the organization and potential beneficial structures along with the preparation of all required corporate resolutions, certificates, ledgers, by-laws and minutes.  In combined experience, we have nearly 50 years of experience in drafting essential corporate documents, such as Shareholder’s Agreements, Partnership Agreements and Joint Venture Agreements, along with experience in drafting certain tax rollover agreements, share exchange agreements and other similar agreements that rely upon tax law principles.

Contact Us

We are conveniently located at:

590 Main Street
1601 Buffalo Place
5-1919 Henderson Highway
663 Stafford Street
(204) 947-2100
(204) 947-9638 (Fax)